Trimethylamine-N-Oxide(TMAO) in Serum/Plasma LC-MS/MS Analysis Kit
The human gut contains a complex and metabolically active microbial ecosystem (microbiota). The gut microbiome has recently been proven to play an important role in cardiovascular disease and various other disorders. Among the microbiome-related metabolites, trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) has drawn a lot of attention owing to its proatherogenic and prothrombotic properties. Thus, abnormality in circulating level of TMAO could be a risk factor for certain diseases.
Quantitative analysis of TMAO in 5 min. for serum/plasma.
Just a few pipetting steps for the sample preparation; for plasma/serum-protein crash and shoot.
Safeguarded by its own stable labelled isotope (TMAO-D9) as internal standard.
Consuming small volume of patient’s sample.
Long life span of HPLC column. -
Trimethylamin-N-Oxide (TMAO) -
Sample Preparation
Step 1Pipette 50 μL of serum/plasma sample into a glass centrifuge tube
Step 2Add 25 μL of internal standard solution and vortex for 5 sec.
Step 3Add 425 μL of reagent-1 (for protein precipitation), vortex for 5 sec. then, centrifuge at 4000 rpm for 5 min.
Step 4Decant the clear supernatant into a HPLC vial prior to injection
Method Performance